Nazareth Baptist School, Nazareth Village, and Cana.

010 carpenter workshop

This is from Zack Miller, a recent graduate of James Madison University:

Today we visited the Nazareth Baptist School, Nazareth Village, and Cana. We also had the opportunity to spend time with the people, specifically kids, who live in this precious land.

A presentation from Naeem, a highly educated man involved at the school, was moving as he said he could have taken an easy route by leaving the country and finding a job but chose to stay to encourage and lead the minority of a minority of a minority of a group of kids to learn and discover the gospel. How often do we choose to take the easiest route possible? I know I do. Then we went into the courtyard of the school for “recess” and hung out with the kids of the school. I’ve always thought the people there weren’t too fond of Americans, as shown by the countless negative media stories I’ve seen in the states. However, nothing could have been further from the truth. They accepted us with open arms. In the song “Hosanna” by Hillsong United they sing about a generation rising up to take their place with selfless faith. While the population of believers is small both here and at home, I am so encouraged that our generation has that capability. To shed the easy road and take a stand for what we truly believe is the best thing in the world…which is following the teachings of Jesus.

My other favorite part of the day was visiting Nazareth Village, a 1/20th replica of Jesus’ village. Our tour guide Daniel, a Messianic Jew, shared his testimony and reminded us that while it is amazing to visit the holy land and see the “dead” stone remains here, it is the “living” stones (people) that are truly important. We can live the words and teachings of Jesus, love and compassion over everything, no matter where we are in the world.

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