The day has come! It is here. ADULTING 101 releases today. This new resource combines the wisdom of a combined 35 years of working with young people. We want new grads to succeed. We want to see them to make it in life. Are you a twenty something or someone who works with twenty somethings? Then this book is FOR YOU! The book discusses how to:
- Find a job and be wildly successful at work
- Buy the items you need as an adult (apartment, car, insurance)
- Set goals, prioritize, and get work done
- Communicate professionally and effectively
- Become a millionaire and save/invest wisely
- Navigate personal and professional relationships
- Avoid the common mistakes of being out on your own
- And much, much more.
You can learn more HERE.
CLICK HERE to order. Email me back with any questions. Would you consider picking one up this week? Thanks so much. –Pete