Our group (minus some fellas cut out on the right!) sailing across the Sea of Galilee

Our group (minus some fellas cut out on the right!) sailing across the Sea of Galilee
Hello there. Sorry it’s been a while. Over the next couple of weeks I will be sending periodic updates on our adventure here the Holy Land. Our first guest post is by Sara Cummings, the new College Director for James Madison University Young Life College.
Shalom! (That means “Hello” in Hebrew.) A couple nights ago, all 31 of us arrived safely to our cute little hotel located in the heart of Nazareth. We hit the ground running yesterday at 8AM! We started the day at the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount. All of the guys on the trip had memorized different parts of it and recited it for the group! We then visited Korazim and Capernaum, took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, ate St. Peter’s fish for lunch, and ended our day near Tabgha, where Jesus fed 5,000. Not bad for Day 1!
Today we learned about Jesus as a Rabbi, which is defined as a great teacher. A Rabbi lived simply, was always moving, and always teaching. It is said that the Rabbi kicked up dust behind him as he taught. Pete asked us, “Are you covered in the dust of the Rabbi?” As I walked along the dry mountainside, I was struck by this question and wondered if I am following Jesus close enough to be covered in his dust. I sure want to be. It is wild to be here visiting the very places where Jesus walked, taught, healed, and revealed the love of our Father to many people. One thing I know for sure, we are all ending today a little bit more “dusty” – literally and figuratively!
Thank you for going on this journey with us. It’s all real and all true. Have a great day!