OK I know I’m playing with fire here. It’s like telling kids Santa Claus doesn’t exist. But I have to do it. I had only seen a couple episodes of the Bachelor/Bachelorette (from here on “BB”) from the first 8 seasons. I had never watched it maybe because everyone was so dang good looking. I don’t know. But then a couple of years ago I got home from a long trip and plopped onto the couch and was flipping through channels and landed on The Bachelorette. I don’t know why but I watched it. Maybe it was because it was so strange to see all these guys on a date with one girl. I mean, I’m insecure when I’m on a date with one girl. Can’t imagine having 8 other guys with me trying to impress her. Maybe it was because Dez was cute. Whatever it was I watched it. I was intrigued. On that episode, Dez made out with 3 different dudes. That was surprising to me because she was suspposed to be “old-fashioned” or something like that. So I secretly DVR’ed the last 3 episodes and starting piecing together the season. I was out of town for the finale so missed the big ending but I know what happened. My friend Susan was live tweeting/texting me the results. Then it occurred to me.
This is wrong.
It’s all wrong.
I put myself in the place of asking someone to marry me and spending the rest of my life with her. Imagine if she had been with another guy THE NIGHT BEFORE! ALL NIGHT! And she had been with another guy 3 days before that. Making out, having intimate dates, hot-tubbing, etc. And I’m about to ask her to marry me. While we “dated” I was exclusive but she wasn’t. Not even close. Maybe this is why the vast majority of these connections utterly fail. Only 6 out of the 30 couples are still together. See which ones here.
That lucky crew includes Jason and Molly Mesnick, even though Jason had originally chosen (and proposed to) Melissa Rycroft over Molly on The Bachelor 13 finale. Also a couple of the couples are still very fresh into their relationship. Only time will tell.
Less than a one in 6 chance? No thanks. Everyone wants to find love. Everyone wants to be loved and desired. But not at the expense of having to imagine a girl I would propose to was having sex with another dude the night before.
With Valentine’s Day one month away I thought it would be fitting to have a theme of love for a while. Upcoming posts will include:
–Is there one person you are meant to marry?
–Do soulmates exists?
–What is wrong with the Bachelor/Bachelorette
–Why is the Bachelor/Bachelorette so popular?
I know that teaser can’t compete with the B/B. But there will be a little sizzle. I promise. Sorry to have a several month hiatus. This fall was crazy. I hope to post once a week going forward. Look for it on Thursdays or Fridays. May the force be with you.